In conjunction with International Women’s Day 2022’s theme #BreakTheBias, Datin Nancy Liew spoke with China Press’ Pink Biz on the challenges in co-founding Malaysia’s largest homegrown Halal QSR chain, Marrybrown.
Back in the 1980s, women entrepreneurs and women in leadership positions were not as common as the present, and they had to work harder to overcome obstacles and conflicting mindsets against the traditional roles of women. Being a woman entrepreneur herself, Datin Nancy believed that equal opportunities should be given to all employees with training and motivational courses provided to help develop their leadership and capabilities. She hoped to see tremendous growth in the F&B industry brought by future generations, be it men or women.
Throughout 40 years of establishing Marrybrown, Datin Nancy and Dato’ Lawrence Liew did not forget about their core values to create a great place where friends and family can always get something different in a welcoming atmosphere. Their perseverance has led Marrybrown to expand internationally with more than 500 outlets.
Speaking about adapting to COVID-19, Datin Nancy shared that it is important to adhere to the SOPs and ensure the safety and benefits of their customers, staff and franchisees. Marrybrown continues to strive during the pandemic with initiatives such as the waiving of franchise royalty payment and advertising funds, supporting franchisees in rent reductions and deferral, working closely with suppliers, and introducing drive-in, drive-thru and new mobile application.